Behind the Lens #4 ~ Countryside Art | North Dakota Photography | Barn Art

They say by doing the most uncomfortable things that you can think of doing, that’ll you grow the most. Well enter the summer of 2022, when I threw myself in front of the public and was pretty much forced into having conversations. There are days that I don’t feel life conversing at my art shows, but it’s just something that I have to do now. I took notes at every show, as people shared with me their favorite places along their own travels. One of them being Kief, North Dakota. With a population of 8 as of 2020, this old Ukranian settlement held many treasures to photograph. An old abandoned church lay dormant, as the trees encroached, on what was once rightfully theirs. I didn’t really like how it came out though, so here you have a photograph that sums up my very long drive through the Peace Garden State. Oh yeah, that doing uncomfortable things, turns out it’s true after-all.

Behind the Lens photography blog post #3 can be read by clicking on the link here: Behind the Lens #3: Seaside Heights, New Jersey

For more inspirational tales, thoughts and photography visit me on instagram: @ryan.j.drewes


An Avalanche of Feels | Personal Blogs About Life | Self Discovery Journey


Behind the Lens #3 ~ New Jersey Photographs | Beach Sunrise Pictures | Wall Art Beach House