Lava Lake Montana | Bozeman Hikes | Things to do in Big Sky Montana

"In spring I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours." ~ Mark Twain

Even though winter still lingers in Montana, I'm mentally and physically checked out from it. With that in mind, I figured I'd leave ya'll with one last wintery blog about life entry which involves Lava Lake, whom lies about 3 miles deep into the Lee Metcalf Wilderness.

While there are many things to do in Big Sky, Montana, a hike out to Lava Lake should be on the top of your list. During the summer, the parking lot to the Lava Lake trailhead can be completely filled on any given day. During late fall/winter it tends to be eerily empty. I took the time to experience the trail during it's slumber on three separate occasions upon my return to Montana in the autumn of 2021. I won't get into the details of the trail, because it's a pretty straight forward incline to the lake, and since it is a popular trail amongst Bozeman hikes, there's plenty of information out there on it. I will however, share my own experience of being out there alongside the trees and the mountains that line the Lava Lake Trail .

I walk a very fine line of wanting to be around people and then just as quickly wanting to spend time alone. There's something much different about heading out into the woods solo. A spiritual experience in many regards. From the swoosh of the wind, to the creaking of the trees, to the babbling of a stream. Each sound becomes that much more echoing. I have no issues being out there amongst the wild animals and the elements, but there is one thing that I do fear, the thought at times of experiencing life alone. It's a thought that passes through my mind, especially as I age, but it's a thought that won't ever make me settle. Someone reached out to me during the winter and left me with these words: "Don't personally feel like we're meant to be alone. I think we're not meant to fit into situations with people and things that don't resonate with our soul alignment." Those words really struck a chord internally, as I've witnessed a transformation from old to new during my own personal spiritual quest. I've lost and I've gained, only to have felt the stinging pains of loss again.

Out here on the trails though, you gain a lot of answers to the questions you ponder. You can think, you can speak, you can scream and you can cry, knowing that the earth will always be there to console you. Spirit led me to Montana in April of 2021 and she told me to stand still. So I'll keep standing still! And I'll continue to stand still, while soaking up the moments when the sun says "hello", breathing in the moments when the mountains say "be still", and feel comforted in the moments when the lake says "you're safe."

For more things to do in Big Sky, Montana, check out my blog post entitled: Storm Castle or Beehive Basin.

For more inspirational tales, thoughts and photography visit me on instagram: @ryan.j.drewes

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